Low Interest Rates here to stay????

Today’s news from the Federal Reserve is that interest rates, currently 3.250% for 30 years and 2.5% for 15 years will stay at historic lows for the long term. Based on today’s story, see attached, the current unemployment rate of 7.7 % will need to go below 6.5% before the Fed raises the discount rate.  This is great for your planning of purchases!! It was just a year ago that the Fed reported that interest rates would be maintained at low rates until late 2013. Now it is a matter of 1.4 million jobs to be created and how long that can take.  

Long term low interest rates??

Holiday Season Home Selling

Having a home for sale during the Holiday Season includes many considerations. For some owners there is no question, they just don’t want to deal with Buyers coming into their home during the holidays.  For others there are some great possibilities that can seal a deal to purchase for some Buyers.  If you have that golden touch for decorating and lighting, the Holidays can be the best time to have your home for sale. It’s another form of staging a home, which has become and important aspect of home selling.  Those with talent for decorating, or even hiring professionals, for Holiday Lighting and decorations can really benefit from Buyers whom share an appreciation of these enhancements.

A few guidelines are the same for many aspects of staging. First is don’t over do it as sometimes less is really more beneficial.  White lights or the new color changing lights can be a good choice as are simple decorations.  Welcoming entrances no matter the season is vitally important for the first impression as is having good curb appeal.  Inside fresh baking adds that welcoming feel and placing a few freshly baked cookies can go along way.

In today’s market cleanliess is the best avenue to getting your home sold so include a thorough cleaning with your talents and you maybe looking at a new home to plan for your decorating talents next Christmas.

Affordability of Home Buying

Affordability of buying a Home is now better than ever! but for how long?

Many economists look to home buying as the way out of a recession. Tracking of the affordability index is a chosen method of some to gage when buyers should buy and all indications is that is now. The index is a matrix of home pricing, wages and interest rates which when combined equate to the lowest level ever. Wages have not fallen markedly since the economic crash of 2008 and inflation is very low; home values are at marked down prices from highs in 2006 and 2007 when the greatest numbers of homes were sold; and interest rates have declined to 2.85% on 15 year loans and 3.5% on 30 loans. All this equates to the best time to buy so what is the hold up?? Well it points to one factor, consumer confidence. Consumers are not sure on when to buy, if their job is secure and other factors.
See the National Association of REALTORS Sept. notice here: http://economistsoutlook.blogs.realtor.org/2012/09/07/latest-housing-affordability-index/

This is the time for Buyers to get grasp on the dream of home ownership. Now is the best time to buy if you have planned to own a home in the next 2 years. All of the factors above are subject to change, especially interest rates but that may not be true for many months. Discounted home values will go up with demand so don’t wait for price increases as those will come. Wages are the individual measure of affordability and how we spend. Put off that flat screen purchase until you can put it in your home, not your landlords. Waiting for the elections to be over? No matter who wins, your best investment is home ownership with the fantastic affordability of 2012.

Lakefront Living News #1

Lakefront Property Values

Southcentral Alaska has some fundamental complexities associated with Lakefront living. Here in the Mat-Su Valley and elsewhere on the Kenai Peninsula there are many lakes and rivers with exceptional waters for recreation whether peaceful purposes or for motorized sports activities.

Floatplane Accessible vs. Non-Motorized

Floatplane accessibility is a generator of demand that is found mostly in Alaska. The value issue associated with different uses of this lakefront and riverfront property is varies and in many cases varied greatly. Typically the highest value property has both floatplane accessibility and unrestricted or lightly restricted motorized uses. Again, typically this is for the largest lakes and large rivers. Other lakes may have airplane accessibility but are restrictive of other motorized uses and values are ususally less than the less restrictive lakes.

Then there are the lakes too small to accomodate floatplanes and these lakes that allow motorized activities command the third highest values. And finally lakefront properties that are not floatplane accessible and do not allow motorized activities or are highly restrictive, ie; 10 hp or electric motors only, will have lower values in the market place. In addition there are many very shallow water bodies that have marginal waterfront with less recreational uses but astetically are pleasing for most any home owner, aside from the high mosquito count. This is mostly good news for quiet user groups that are looking for canoeing and kayaking lakes.

See this great listing: ADDRESS HERE!

Follow this link or copy and paste for the Mat-Su Borough Code Compliance relating to Lake Management Plans and what lakes are affected and how.

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When you find one or more properties that interest  you based on location, bedroom or bathroom count, or price, simply click the ‘Schedule a Showing’ button and complete the requested information.